
Showing posts from August, 2021

I am a Sacred Place

Photo: Coming Home by Samantha Reuter If God is everywhere then there are no profane places; all places and spaces are sacred and holy. Our work as Christ followers, Holy Spirit inhabitors, is to unveil the divine mystery hidden in all things, to uncover the sacredness of all of creation. Which includes our very bodies. As I write this, I realize that the discovering of ourselves as sacred spaces is not a one-off , it too is part of the human journey.   A process requiring the re-ordering of our very own hearts to the true reality that always is, that we are sacred. And it is a process, a process of re-membering “who and whose we are.” Too often though, this development is arrested and stalled often by the Church that claims it is the bearer of our salvation. For many years… many, many years, I truly believed I was evil. Inherently bad, cursed, flawed and irredeemable. This inner knowing persisted as a result of my fundamentalist evangelical Christia