
Showing posts from September, 2023

Be Like the Ducks

I began writing this blog post in March. When the ducks and geese were returning from their sojourn in the south. It's now September and these fowl with their grown young begin their return journey. Funny that I left this topic...not funny ha ha, but funny, ironic. This is what I wrote back then: Arguments and slights will occur. Resist the desire to pile them on top of your life story. Shake the hurts off and go in peace. Observe the ducks. After a fight they turn and swim away, spread and shake their wings vigorously then float serenely on. the ducks. What is ironic is that I slighted someo ne shortly thereafter. It was completely unintentional. But there you have it. And I was not able to "be like the ducks." My personality type is such that I am extremely hard on myself. I take responsibility and blame for everyone involved in a situation and bear all the guilt and shame. I do this as an unconscious form of penance; thinking that I will make "things rig

The Franciscan Way

The starting point of the Christianity I grew up in was humanity's sinfulness . It is the foundation for all beliefs and interpretation and behaviour towards others and the entire cosmos that follow. It has been and continues to be a path of destructiveness that I have been unlearning for decades. It is not the path that I taught my children. Instead, in the Franciscan tradition, suffering  is the foundation for understanding the nature of reality. But also holds a position of all of creation being made good, a process that is continuous. From this beginning point, the presence of the Christ is a manifestation of the Divine suffering with  us not for  us. From the former position, the interaction between the Divine (through Jesus) and humanity, is transactional (the entirety of the cosmos does not figure into this framework only people which is one of the causes of the degradation of life on this earth).  Transactional interactions become the norm for all modes of being