When everything belongs - an alternate wondering about sin

 When everything belongs - an alternate wondering about sin

What does it mean for "everything to belong," that every-thing has a place with God, that every-thing is God's and that there is no-thing apart from God? What does it mean for everything in creation to be made "good?" And what is up with sin and "evil?" I need to read Richard Rohr's latest book on that and maybe then these musings would have more clarity. But until then...

What if everything were about the resistance, the forces of push and pull? Can energy be created without the friction of opposing forces?

What if none of all this existence is "bad" or "good" but it is in thinking, and action, that makes it so? It seems as though the "knowledge" of good and evil is the root of the problem. But maybe it's that this knowledge seems to be synonymous with "judgement" - the pronouncement between good and evil.

Sin, correctly translated, means "missing the mark."  judgement is...a pronouncement of getting it wrong. And with that comes guilt and shame.

It seems as though judgement and sin have become synonymous. What if the two could be untangled? What is "sin" without the pronouncement of judgement? It seems that without it, blame and shame would cease, we would be acceptable as we are.

What if sin, and its precursor temptation were, at one level, are marks or signs or signals that something is "off?" What if sin is a choice made in a moment of reaction, of friction or resistance that leads us out of good relationship? What if it were, in that instance, a crack in the soul revealing a part of ourselves that we have not yet yielded to God? A part that needs to be reconciled. Not a pronouncement of judgement which brings guilt and shame, simply a reminder that something is off and needs to be brought back into alignment, back to the way things were.

"Re"- conciliation means that we have already and always been one with God. We cannot be reconciled to that which we have never known or has never known us. Relationship between us and God is a given; it has always already been in existence. So then "sin" is not some point that is tallied against us in some game God is playing. It is not a judgment against us. Would it be more to the point to say that "sin" is the act of forgetting that we are in God, forgetting that we are created good and created equal and forgetting the same of others.

To do good then, which need be our focus, is how we, in moments of friction with other created forms, hit the target. The target being: kindness, goodness, mercy, forgiveness, patience, peace, justice, truth, empathy and above all love which covers over a multitude of "missings of the mark."


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